Our whole, half and quarter beef options are designed to create bulk meat purchasing for customers who want access to a fully array of meat cuts while saving money. Customers are saving, on average, $200-$300 per animal when they purchase in bulk.
Don’t have storage space for bulk meat? We will store your whole, half or quarter animal at our store at 524 Liberty Street in Billings. We keep a tally of how much meat your have picked up until you have received all of your pounds (free storage for one year.)
Full beef: $3,520/400# (available now) ORDER HERE
Half beef: $1,850/200# (available now) ORDER HERE
Quarter beef: $1050/100# (available now) ORDER HERE
Full hog: $900/150#(available now) call store to order (406) 717-8892
Half Hog: $450/75#(available now) call store to order (406) 717-8892