About Us
In the over 80 years our family ranch has been in business, we have worked to turn out some of the best beef cattle in Montana. Starting in 2018, we were excited to take that to the next level by providing the best beef, lamb and pork products directly to customers.
We sell our high-quality, ranch raised products through our label, Montana Prime Meats, both at our storefront location at 524 Liberty Street in Billings and seasonally at the Billings Farmers Market.
You can also pre-order Ready-to-Cook boxes for in-store pickup here.
The ranch started by my great-grandfather in 1936 is now being cared for by myself, my wife Jennifer and our children Brooklyn, Jolene and Colton.
Involving our kids in the production and sale of our meat animals is important to us. It’s making sure the next generation is part of this ranch and can help it continue. While Jennifer and I started selling beef, it was the kids who began raising the pork and lamb we also offer.
The kids get up early every morning to take care of their animals before the bus comes to get them for school at 6am. Raising animals for sale on the ranch gave me a passion for the work and made me proud of winning the Steer of Merit award several years in a row when I was a kid.
We sincerely appreciate the opportunity to provide your family with high-quality meats raised here in Montana, a place we love to call home. Please feel free to stop in, call or contact us via our social media accounts. We look forward to serving you!